No smoke, no mirrors, just fast. 
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Dateline October 1, 2004:

September 30: Lydia is due in four weeks (October 20).  She's big as a house and Rodney, our OB, says that if she doesn't give birth in 3 weeks he will induce.  Lyd gives me the thumbs up to go to the track one last time on October 1st, so we leave Thursday Night and arrive in Charles Town, West Virginia around 8pm, have a nice dinner, a few beers, then head off to sleep.

I'm asleep at 2:15 am on October 1 in Charles Town WV.  We arrived the night before and I was to be Chief Instructor for a Porsche club track event.

The alarm goes off....mighty early.  I ask Doug why he set the alarm so early and he says "That was your phone"...not terribly awake yet.

I look ans sure enough it's from home.  I call Lyd and she says her water just broke and that the contractions are 4 minutes apart lasting a minute.  Um.  Time to go home.

I offer to take Doug's car out of the trailer so he can run the event and he says "The hell with that, we're in this together!"

Off we go...out the door at 2:20 or so for our 140 mile drive.  We figure it best not to stop home so we head right for the hospital.  My mother drives Lyd there immediately and Susan Nickel, Doug's wife beats them both to the hospital.  When Lyd is admitted she is 7cm dilated...uh...that means Jake's definitely on his way into th world!

We arrive at 4:30 am at Christiana Hospital and park the truck and trailer far from civilization, or so we thought.

Lyd with support from Susan and Rodney Baltazar, our Doc and Porsche buddy.  Photo taken between contractions.  Meanwhile, at 6:00 Security tracks me down and say I have to move the truck and trailer immediately.  Despite my protests and Lyd still in labor off I go.  Luckily they just had be move it around back and gave me a ride back to maternity.

Jake arrives at 6:40 am, 7lbs, 10oz and 20.5"   Heeeer's Jake!

Newborn Jake about 15 minutes old with Dad.

Oma helps out.

Little Jake about 12 hours old

After a day

About 2 days old we have a zeroth birthday party!

Endless thanks to Susan, Doug, Mason and Phillip Nickel!

Click Here for Ultrasound Humor

Click here for more pictures

Carrera is very interested!

Here he is at one week:

Ma and the billy blanket

Blue Eyes!


Two wild and crazy guys!

Dinner.  Notice the widow's peak!

Time to get some rest.
