Why spend a fortune rebuilding your old motor when you can get a freshly rebuilt or reliable low mileage used motor for a few thousand more, and gain SERIOUS horsepower? We can also build to order.

Either supply your own motor or get one from us, either way, we’ll make the upgrade quick and painless.

3.6 Conversion Kit Contents and Pricing Sheets (Microsoft Excel Format) :

  • Kit Contents – What do you need, what is nice to have and what’s icing on the cake.
  • 3.6 Conversion Cost Estimator – Excel Spreadsheet Allows you to add options and get total pricing
    • Includes both conversion kit and crate motor options
    • 1969-89 Updated frequently, see pricing date on spreadsheet. 
    • Also available – 993 plug and play for 964!
  • E-mail us for current inventory or a custom configuration: [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE: THE SHEETS ABOVE ARE THE ONLY SOURCE OF CURRENT PRICING, Information in other articles on this site may or may not be up to date

C2/993 – 3.6 liter Engine Conversion Kits for 911


More Stuff

Here are some of the cars we have done:

Instant-G 3.6/3.8 Conversion

This kit includes:

  • All hardware, studs, engine mount bolts, etc.
  • 915 or G50 flywheel will accept factory clutch kit
  • Modification of engine sheet metal and rear cross member
  • Proper Mahle fuel filter and braided steel lines
  • Oil lines to tank and thermostat and fittings
  • Electrical harness from DME harness to chassis
  • Complete instructions and wiring diagram, and tech support!
  • Click Here for a detailed listing – with current pricing

We also offer “Crate Motors” tested and ready to bolt in!